The cryptocurrency has come to symbolize financial freedom from governments. Many Salvadorans are unhappy about the way it was made an official currency.
For Voice of America:
With much of the U.S. economy at a standstill, day laborers are left with no work and no security net.
For Voice of America:
A registered nurse who works in a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) migrant detention center in rural Louisiana fears the continued movement of detainees between facilities could cause the coronavirus to spread unchecked to untold numbers of people who are isolated from intensive medical care.
For Al Jazeera
More than 70 sheltering in a church were killed in western Colombia in 2002. Only now will they be given proper burials.
For The Guardian:
For The Guardian
There are no set designers hiding in the wings, no Hollywood producers commissioning replicas; these vintage cars are originals (at least partially) and these are the mechanics who keep them chugging. ...(keep reading)
A Syrian refugee Makes it in Colombia
It is not the most common destination, but a handful of Middle Eastern migrants are settling in Colombia, and the country doesn’t quite know what to do with them.
Imad Alarnab cooked his way from Damascus to London
Syrian chef, now London-based refugee Imad Alarnab, just launched a two- week pop-up and he’s already sold-out.